UH Virtual Services
University Hospitals is at the forefront of using virtual technology to improve access to and enhance the healthcare experience. Through a variety of virtual and digital services, such as online scheduling, virtual visits, remote health monitoring and much more, we offer patients convenient access, any time and any place, to the care they need.
For Patients

Stay connected with the University Hospitals MyChart patient portal. This interactive tool gives you immediate access to the information you need and allows you manage every aspect of your healthcare. With MyChart you can communicate with your doctor, view test results, pay your bill, refill prescriptions and more. Take charge by creating your MyChart account today and get your health information delivered right to your fingertips anytime, day or night.

UH On Demand Virtual Care
UH On Demand allows patients to consult with a doctor online or by phone for diagnosis and treatment of common conditions such as ear aches, sinus infections, skin rashes, colds and more. All you need is a laptop, tablet or smart phone to access this safe and confidential service. Visits are available 7 days a week from 7 a.m. - 11 p.m.

Rainbow Care Connection Nurse Triage
UH Rainbow Care Connection provides quick access to our highly qualified medical team – 24 hours a day, seven days a week. This triage service consists of a nurse-doctor team that delivers medical care via telephone for children and adolescents.

Virtual Translation Services
University Hospitals offers 24-hour translator services for patients and families through a program called MARTTI (My Accessible Real-Time Trusted Interpreter). MARTTI allows patients and families to hear, see and talk to an interpreter live via a wireless computer while the interpreter translates conversations between patients and providers. The service is offered in more than 180 languages, including American Sign Language, and is available at UH hospital locations.
Learn More: Ask your doctor or nurse about interpretive services at UH.

UH Home Care – Remote Patient Monitoring
Through this physician-directed service, in-home nurses and therapists can electronically update your patient record with medical information so UH clinical staff members can monitor pertinent clinical information remotely and in real-time. Our home care team can also use telemonitoring equipment in your home to measure vital signs such as blood pressure, oxygen levels, blood glucose levels and weight and transmit the information to your UH care team.

UH Avon Fitness & Spa
This app can provide you with the latest information on our fitness center and the services we offer. With this app, you can view and manage personal account information, including transactions and billing. Other features include access to class schedules, information about upcoming appointments, notification of special discounts, and event registration.