Reliant Review
Reliant review is the process of engaging reliance agreements when clinical investigators are collaborating on multisite research with other institutions. A reliance agreement is an agreement between two Institutional Review Boards (IRBs). Reliant review aims to reduce duplicative IRB reviews and promote greater efficiency and consistency among IRB determinations for multisite research by defining the reliant relationship between the two IRBs.
There are many avenues for reliance and the University Hospitals IRB administration office continues to consider new opportunities for reliance and new ways to streamline the reliance process. Historically, the UH IRB has entered into reliance agreements with various institutions for specific research protocols, a series of related protocols (i.e. a registry), for all research conducted at the other site, as well as with independent, central IRBs.
With each avenue for reliance, it is important for investigators to consider:
Institutional oversight of the protocol is still applicable and institutional requirements must be met. Refer to Investigator Manual for IRB Submissions, Chapter 21 – Reliant Review
- Submission of the study to the UH IRB office in the IRB electronic system, SpartaIRB, is required.
- Communication over the life of the study, between research teams and IRBs is absolutely essential to the success of reliant studies.
Investigators interested in engaging in any of the below pathways for reliance should contact the UH IRB administration office for more information prior to engaging in research.
Please note that information regarding institutional policies and what is required to be reviewed by the UH IRB after approval can be found in the UH Investigator Manual.
For questions, contact Kristen Ulmann at or 216-844-7812.