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Retina Diseases Imaging Analysis Reading Center

Retina Diseases Image Analysis Reading Center (REDIARC) was founded in 1999.The REDIARC has participated in numerous clinical studies requiring standardized qualitative and quantitative assessments for diabetic retinopathy, diabetic macular edema, macular degeneration, uveitis (active, inactive, non-infectious, Behçet’s disease) as well other retinal pathologies and non-ophthalmic studies requiring retinal safety review utilizing a variety of retinal imaging modalities such as fundus photographs, fluorescein angiograms, autofluorescence and optical coherence tomography (OCT).

The UH REDIARC is located at Midtown Tech Park in Cleveland, Ohio, near the University Hospitals Cleveland Medical Center campus and the Case Western Reserve University campus. REDIARC shares facilities with the CIARC led by Professor Benetz, Scientific Director and Dr. Lass, Medical Director.

REDIARC is governed by the University Hospitals Institutional Review Board (IRB), which is fully accredited by AAHRPP. Our staff follows the regulations set forth by Good Clinical Practices (GCP), International Conference on Harmonization (ICH), Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS), and Food and Drug Administration (FDA) regulations.

REDIARC Leadership
Efforts of the center are directed through its Medical Director, Shree Kurup MD, in conjunction with the Director of Grading, Edmond Thall, MD, and with the Scientific Director, Beth Ann Benetz, MA, CRA, FOPS.

Shree Kurup, MD

Medical Director

 Shree Kurup, MD

Edmond Thall, MD

Director of Grading

Edmond Thall, MD

Beth Ann Benetz, MA, CRA

Scientific Director

Beth Ann Benetz, MA, CRA

Contact Us for More Information

Shree Kurup, MD

REDIARC Medical Director

Edmond Thall, MD

REDIARC Director of Grading

Beth Ann Benetz, MA, CRA, FOPS

Scientific Director, REDIARC

Eli Smith

Scientific Project Manager