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Jonathan H. Lass, MD

Jonathan H. Lass, MD

Director and CIARC Medical Director, Eye Image Analysis Reading Centers, UH Eye Institute
Charles I Thomas Professor, Case Western Reserve University
Distinguished Attending Surgeon, UH Eye Institute

Beth Ann Benetz, MA, CRA

Beth Ann Benetz, MA, CRA

Scientific Director, Eye Image Analysis Reading Centers, UH Eye Institute
Professor, Case Western Reserve University

 Shree Kurup, MD

Shree Kurup, MD

Director and REDIARC Medical Director, Eye Image Analysis Reading Centers, UH Eye Institute
Professor, Case Western Reserve University
Director, Retina Service, UH Eye Institute
Medical Director of Clinical Operations, UH Eye Institute
Director, Uvetis Service, UH Eye Institute

Edmond Thall, MD

Edmond Thall, MD

REDIARC Director of Grading, Eye Image Analysis Reading Centers, UH Eye Institute
Clinical Assistant Professor, Department of Ophthalmology & Visual Sciences, Case Western Reserve University

Eli Smith

Eli Smith

Scientific Project Manager, Eye Image Analysis Reading Centers, UH Eye Institute

Zachary Von Ryan MBA

Zachary Von Ryan MBA

Senior Financial Analyst, Eye Image Analysis Reading Centers, UH Eye Institute

Data Management Team

Harry Lopez
Network Administrator

Ryan Dingess
Senior Database Administrator

Ipsita Mahalik
Database Administrator

Andrew Bear
Database Administrator