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Leukemia Clinical Trials

Access to Innovative Clinical Trials Augments Standard Treatment Options

Advances in science and research make it possible to bring patients the latest in medical treatments by way of clinical trials. Researchers at the UH Seidman Cancer Center work continuously to develop trials, collaborating with industry and external research groups, to ensure patients have access to a broad swath of next generation therapies, including treatments for newly diagnosed leukemias, relapsed disease, maintenance therapies, and immunotherapy.

Approximately a third of leukemia patients at the UH Seidman Cancer Center enroll in clinical trials, to optimize their treatment with emerging genomically specific cellular therapies and combination treatment regimens. Clinical studies help determine how to boost drug tolerance, increase remission rates, reduce relapse post treatment, identify effective emerging drug and standard treatment combinations, and how to identify which patients benefit more precisely from intense therapy versus more targeted treatments, among other clinical care aspects.

Our physician team takes a comprehensive, personalized approach to diagnose and recommend treatment based on the nature of each cancer, whether a patient is newly diagnosed or has relapsed after initial treatment.

Current Clinical Trials & Studies

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Post-Transplant Drug Study for ALL and NHL