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Foot & Ankle Services

Common Dance-Related Foot and Ankle Injuries

Dancers, professional dancers in particular, are extremely prone to foot and ankle injuries. In fact, up to 50 percent of musculoskeletal dance-related injuries occur in the ankle or foot.

Most of these injuries are due to overuse, repetitive trauma, or the result of incorrect or awkward landings. Common ballet positions can add additional stress to the toes and the ball of the foot. Tight-fitting dance shoes can also cause repetitive irritation and subsequent injury.

Schedule an Appointment

The orthopedic specialists at University Hospitals have the advanced skills and experience to treat all foot and ankle conditions, including dance-related foot and ankle injuries. To schedule an appointment, call 216-220-9088 or schedule online.

Dance-Related Injuries We Treat

The orthopedic foot and ankle experts at University Hospitals have the experience and expertise to diagnose and treat a wide variety of injuries and disorders commonly associated with dance. The most common dance-related injuries we treat, include:

Surgical and Nonsurgical Treatments for Foot and Ankle Dance Injuries

Treatment for dance-related foot and ankle injuries depends on the type and severity of the condition, and may range from simple lifestyle modifications to surgical repair.

Make an Appointment

Our orthopedic experts offer in-person and virtual visits. Call 216-220-9088 or schedule your visit online today.