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Why Our Interns Chose Rainbow

Michelle Sergi

Michelle Sergi, DO

“Rainbow has more to offer than just their reputation, innovative medical care, and revolutionary research. They offer an environment and culture that truly encourages compassionate, family-oriented patient care. When you walk through Rainbow, you know you are at home surrounded by people who are passionate about caring for kids and for each other”

Rebecca Kuruvilla

Rebecca Kuruvilla, MD

“Rainbow was my first interview of the season and I was struck by how welcoming and happy everyone seemed and I continued to compare everything else back to Rainbow. I loved the 6+2 schedule and the focus on community health. It seemed like the best choice for me to work in an environment that I was comfortable in and receive the best training possible.”

Darla Fink

Darla Fink, MD

“I chose Rainbow because it reminded me a lot of the same principles that my home institution held. It felt like home away from home. The focus on community was important to me combined with the benefits of being at a large academic center. The X+Y program was appealing to me to stay balanced during residency.”

Samantha Davidson

Samantha Davidson, MD

“I really liked the programs emphasis on advocacy and partnering with the community. I also like the dedicated clinic time we get with the 6+2 schedule. In addition, everyone was so passionate about this program and the community that they serve and it made me really want to be a part of that!”