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Intern Orientation

pediatric residentsOrientation takes place one week prior to the start of intern year and includes Neonatal Resuscitation Program (NRP) as well as Pediatric Advanced Life Support (PALS) training, computer systems training, introduction to and shadowing experiences with residents on the inpatient teams, and fun events designed to allow the new class to get to know one another and the fantastic city of Cleveland. The week also includes a general introduction to University Hospitals and more specifically to University Hospitals Rainbow Babies & Children's, both the people and the facility. Most evenings throughout the week feature an event hosted by the residency program.

Intern Core Conference Series

The educational series is designed to cover essential topics in pediatrics while building on some topics from orientation week. Topics range from pediatric basics such as fluid management and fever to communication skills like how to teach medical students and include both inpatient and outpatient subject areas. This series occurs throughout July and August during noon conference time and annually jumpstarts the yearlong noon conference curriculum.

Intern Retreat

pediatric residentsEach fall our interns gather for a 2 1/2 day retreat dedicated to professionalism and wellness. During the retreat interns learn how their different styles and personalities effect their interactions with both each other and their patients. In addition, residents learn the importance of self-care and resilience through workshops such as self-defense and meaning at work as well as activities including massages and bonfires.

Junior Resident Retreat

Each winter our junior residents are freed from clinical duties for a half-day retreat focused on relaxation and inspiration. Afternoon workshops focus on reflection of meaningful and impactful experiences in our professional lives. This is followed by a resident-led tour at the renowned Cleveland Museum of Art. The retreat culminates in a relaxed dinner at the program director's house.

Senior Pediatric Board Review

Lead by subspecialty and general pediatric faculty, this two-week course focuses on core content necessary for the American Board of Pediatrics licensing exam. Floor/ED coverage is provided so that all senior residents may attend.

Resident Education Conferences

Grand Rounds

Occurring once a week, UH Rainbow Babies & Children's hosts both locally and nationally renowned faculty to share or review topics within their areas of expertise. Frequently, residency alums and other community pediatricians join the UH Rainbow Babies & Children's Hospital house staff and faculty for Grand Rounds, which is also broadcast to local pediatricians through teleconferencing.

Intern and Senior Report

This conference is held twice per week and is facilitated by the chief residents and various faculty members. One session is led by senior residents from the inpatient teams and is dedicated to discussing the management of complex patients. The other session is led by interns and is geared more toward the development of a differential diagnosis based off of the history and physical presented. Both reports are an opportunity to enhance critical thinking skills and clinical decision making.

Patient Management Conference

Occurring once per week, this multidisciplinary case-based conference focuses on diagnostic and management issues and dilemmas. The chief residents present an interesting case, and the faculty and residents debate complex decisions in management and follow-up. Both pediatric and combined internal medicine/pediatric cases are presented.

UH Rainbow Rounds

A residency program tradition and resident favorite, this is an interactive conference led by a senior resident that focuses on a topic or case of their choice. Rainbow rounds are an opportunity for senior residents to refine their conference leading and medical education skills, under the guidance of the chief residents and other faculty members.

Evidence-Based Medicine Journal Club

Occurring once a month, Journal Club is a collaborative conference reviewing recent publications from the pediatric literature. Journal Club is moderated by Dr. Ross Myers, one of the associate program directors, who has been a co-author on several different types of manuscripts, including ones published in the New England Journal of Medicine.

Global Child Health Lecture Series

UH Rainbow Babies & Children's Global Child Health longitudinal lectures focus both on the work done internationally by UH Rainbow faculty and also on current issues affecting children around the world, from malnutrition and infectious diseases to child labor and forced conscription.

Research Skills Series

Faculty members present didactic sessions and facilitate group discussions regarding research skills, addressing the essential competencies necessary to carry out a successful research project as a resident. Separate discussions are offered for interns and upper level residents which focus on different phases of research projects specific to the residents' level of training. The research experience culminates in a resident research day each June where, for over 40 years, residents have presented their research findings to their classmates and faculty.

Career Planning Series

Lectures and panel discussions are facilitated by both UH Rainbow Babies & Children's faculty and community pediatricians for residents to begin to think about their careers in primary care, academic medicine, or subspecialty pediatrics.

Other Conferences/Education

Ambulatory Half-Day Didactics

During the ambulatory two-week experience, a dedicated half-day educational session occurs weekly to focus on outpatient pediatric topics with additional time set aside to work with peer flight members on group projects and mentoring sessions. Each session includes a mixture of traditional didactic sessions and interactive workshops. Faculty facilitators plan the sessions, which are repeated for each ambulatory block in rotation, allowing every resident to experience the same curriculum.

Critical Care Conferences

Rotations in the PICU and NICU include specific lectures offered daily, covering core topics relevant to the care of critically ill children and neonates.

Simulated Patient Learning

pediatric residentsIn addition to the patient volume and diversity seen in the outpatient and inpatient settings, simulation experiences build on clinical skill sets that demand added practice and experience. Delivery room management and resuscitation of the critically ill neonate is simulated using “Sim Baby”, a fully-functioning automaton capable of representing a variety of physiologic derangements and responses to clinical interventions in real time. Further resuscitation practice for all pediatric ages is offered several times per month in the ED, PICU, and on the floors during mock codes. Simulation and practice of splinting and suturing is offered to all interns prior to rotating through the ED.