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The goal of the Pediatric Optometry Residency Program is to foster exemplary clinical competency, independence and confidence in the treatment and management of ocular conditions affecting infants, toddlers, and adolescents.

Components of the Program Curriculum

  • Combination of faculty-directed clinical care, independent clinical care with faculty support, independent clinical care with technical support, and self-study with mentorship.
  • The resident will work toward clinical independence in a progressive, per-quarter increase in own clinic time with the opportunity to consult with faculty as needed.
  • The resident will be given the opportunity for surgical observation and NICU ROP rounds on an as desired and space/time allowable basis.
  • The resident will participate in two large community vision screenings held annually in conjunction with UH Sport Medicine for sports physical clearance.
  • The resident will participate in weekly ophthalmology Grand Rounds for 1 hour once per week and will be expected to present on a topic of their own choosing.
  • The resident will prepare a publication quality care report or case series during their residency which will be co-authored and submitted for publication consideration.
  • The resident will be expected to make a poster submission to the American Academy of Optometry and/or East West Eye Conference.
  • The resident will be expected to follow the requirements and participate in programs as directed by the OSU Residency Director.

This program typically requires 40 hour work weeks with no on-call assignments. Additionally, there will be opportunities to participate in ongoing clinic research projects to help advance the understanding of both systemic and ocular conditions affecting children.

Requirements for Completion

The resident will be awarded a residency certificate specific to pediatric optometry upon the successful completion of the following:

  • All clinical, didactic, and academic assignments
  • Medical documentation and communication
  • Faculty and program reviews
  • Satisfactory or greater remarks on performance evaluations