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Didactic Training

Fellows at Evening Journal Club
Fellows at Evening Journal Club
The focus of our didactic teaching is to supplement the fellow's clinical experiences and individual learning strategy.


Neonatal Case Management– A completely fellow-driven experience, this conference occurs weekly and consists of presentation and discussion of recent cases from the NICU or Transitional Nursery.

Didactics in Neonatology– Organized by Tommy Raffay, MD, this CME series employs both traditional lectures and adult learning methods to prepare our fellows for the Neonatal-Perinatal Medicine certifying examination. Lectures are held weekly from September through June.

Morbidity and Mortality Review– Attended by OB faculty members as well as pathologists (including an expert in placental pathology), the focus of this conference is to review adverse outcomes in the NICU and Labor and Delivery Unit. This monthly meeting is organized by Mary Nock, MD.

Neonatology Quality Improvement Meeting– This monthly interdisciplinary conference is facilitated by Dr. Nock. Progress reports from various quality improvement committees are presented and potential initiatives are discussed. Fellows present their QI work at this conference. Additionally, our fellows have the opportunity to lead mentored-QI efforts that qualify as a thesis project to earn an optional graduate certificate through the UH QI curriculum program.

Journal Club– Fellows and neonatal faculty meet monthly to discuss a recently published article. Fellows select and present an article with assistance from mentors. Evening Journal Club is an optional event held ~ 8 times per year at a faculty home with a focused discussion of historical and foundational literature.

Fetal Board– This joint conference occurs twice per month. Maternal-fetal medicine faculty members present imaging and clinical information about high-risk deliveries including known fetal congenital malformations. The MFM, palliative care, cardiology, neurology, neurosurgery, and neonatology teams collaborate to prepare delivery plans for these patients.

Neonatology Basics Series– This conference is held weekly in July and August of each year. The purpose is to introduce new fellows to basic concepts in neonatology, including neonatal X-ray interpretation, the basics of ventilation, premature formulas and breast milk additives, etc.

Neonatal Resuscitation Review Meeting– This meeting occurs monthly and includes a fellow-led review of resuscitation code sheets as well as NRP case simulations and instruction at the Department Simulation Lab utilizing high fidelity simulation.