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Application Process

Fellow applicants usually begin the application process in the beginning of their third year of residency training. The expected fellowship training start date is on July 1 following completion of the third year of residency training. Application materials must be submitted electronically via ERAS.

Upon receipt of all required documentations via ERAS, applications will undergo an initial review process. Selected applicants will receive notification to schedule a personal interview at University Hospitals Rainbow Babies & Children's Hospital. The virtual visit usually lasts 5 hours, starting at 10:30 a.m. and ending at 3:30 p.m., on weekdays between mid-August to mid-November. Available dates for interviews are scheduled on a first-come-first-reserved basis. As interview dates fill up quickly, we strongly encourage applicants to initiate the scheduling process as soon as they receive a formal interview invitation.

Prior to the NRMP Rank List due date, a Fellow Selection Committee will meet in late November to formally evaluate all interviewed candidates and to formulate a ranking list. Candidates will be notified of the match results in December by NRMP.

Questions regarding fellowship application procedures should be addressed to the Fellowship Director or Coordinator.