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Research Training

Our research experiences are varied and trainees have the opportunity to pursue different areas of focus, such as bench, clinical or translational research, depending on their area of interest. These critical components of the program, both clinical and research, allow our trainees to advance in many areas.

In the first year, pediatric gastroenterology fellows complete a small clinical review or case report and prepare for their main scholarly activity (formation of a Scholarship Oversight Committee, selection of a research mentor, background reading and integration into the mentor’s research environment). Fellows will work under the guidance of their research mentor with the expectation of submitting their work for publication and presentation at national meetings. Each fellow is required to take the institution's fellows course and a statistics course offered by the Department of Pediatrics. The main scholarly activity is completed during the second and third year of the program. Fellows are required to participate fully in all aspects of the main scholarly activity. Our fellows present their research findings at our national meeting each year for the North American Society for Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition (NASPGHAN).