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Fellows are expected to participate in a full complement of conferences. Fellows are educated in the pathophysiology of disease, evidenced-based clinical evaluation and care of pediatric gastrointestinal diseases, and recent advances in biomedical research in pediatric gastroenterology. These conference include:

Weekly Inpatient Clinical Case Conference

Faculty and fellows discuss the care of patients on the Inpatient Pediatric Gastroenterology Service. Fellows are responsible for coordinating the weekly clinical case conference with the faculty member managing the inpatient service.

Weekly Critically Appraised Topic Discussion

Faculty, fellows and invited guests present critically appraised topics dealing with a clinical problem or treatment related to pediatric gastroenterology.

Monthly Pathology Conference

The Section of Pediatric Gastroenterology & Nutrition has a monthly pathology conference with the Departments of Pediatric Pathology. At this conference the histopathology of selected cases are reviewed by the pathologist with the multiheaded microscope. The clinical aspects of the cases are presented by the subspecialty residents involved in the care of the specific patient.

Radiology Conference

At this conference selected cases are reviewed by a pediatric radiologist. The clinical aspects of the cases are presented by the fellows involved in the care of the specific patient.

Journal Club

This conference involves the presentation of a critical appraisal of published scientific studies related to neonates, infants, children, adolescents and young adults with diseases affecting the gastrointestinal tract, hepatobiliary system, pancreas and nutrition.

Monthly Fellow Clinical Case Conference

Fellows present clinical cases in which the diagnostic evaluation or therapeutic intervention is challenging. The cases are selected with the guidance of their mentor or other faculty member assigned to their current clinical assignment.

Mortality and Morbidity Conference

Cases are selected for discussion on the basis of their educational value and exemplification of medical error, adverse patient events or “near misses.”

IBD Meeting

The IBD team meets weekly to discuss the standardized data collected during the clinic visits of all IBD patients, monitor individual and overall performance, compare outcomes, and share the best evidence and tools. Fellows attend these meetings in the second and third year of the fellowship.

Quality Improvement Project

Quality improvement projects provide an opportunity for fellows to identify and correct gaps in the quality of care provided to patients, and gain a better understanding of how patient care relates to the healthcare system as a whole. Fellows are required to participate in a quality improvement project starting in the second year of the fellowship.