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Education & Training

fellows at an eventFellows are expected to assume primary responsibility for the care of patients with type 1 and type 2 diabetes, as well as the full gamut of general endocrine disorders. The clinical experience includes both ambulatory clinics and inpatient consultation service. In addition to general endocrinology and diabetes clinics spread through the 3 years, fellows also rotate through specialty clinics addressing the needs of children with obesity, Prader-Willi syndrome, lipid disorders, cystic fibrosis related diabetes, and oncologic disorders.

The clinical experience of fellows is designed to optimize longitudinal care. Each fellow has a dedicated research block of 15 months for a clinical or basic science research project. In addition, experiences with Quality Improvement projects and summer diabetes camp are integral to the fellowship training. Fellows are actively involved in teaching medical students and pediatric residents.

Learn More About Our Education Components

Clinical Training

Research Training

Didactic Training