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After Graduation

Meredith Broberg, MD

Meredith Broberg, MD

Meredith graduated from her cardiology fellowship at the end of August 2020 and joined the faculty in Rainbow’s Division of Pediatric Cardiac Critical Care. She originally hails from Pittsburgh, and did med-peds residency at West Virginia University, followed by PICU and cardiology fellowships here at Rainbow. She has clinical interests in cardiopulmonary physiology, prevention of congenital heart disease, healthcare disparities, and maternal infant bonding.

Ismael Corral, MD

Ismael Corral, MD

Ismael graduated from Rainbow in 2021. As a fellow he did research on subtle ECG predictors of ventricular preexcitation, and he was a stalwart leader of the fellows during the dark days of the pandemic. He is now practicing general pediatric cardiology in his native California.

Kaushal Dosani, MD

Kaushal Dosani, MD

Kaushal graduated from Rainbow’s fellowship program in 2021. As a fellow he did innovative research on the use of optical coherence tomography to aid transseptal puncture. He is now pursuing a second fellowship in Pediatric Critical Care at Children’s Mercy in Kansas City.

Munes Fares, MD

Munes Fares, MD

Munes graduated from Rainbow’s fellowship program in June 2020. He did a year of advanced non-invasive training at UT Southwestern University in Dallas, and stayed on faculty there as an Assistant Professor. He specializes in advanced cardiac imaging and fetal cardiology.

Renelle George, MD

Renelle George, MD

Renelle finished her pediatric cardiology fellowship at Rainbow in June 2020. As a second year fellow at Rainbow she won the Fellows Science Day award. She did a fourth year of advanced pediatric interventional cardiology training at Emory University in Atlanta, and is now at Montefiore Medical Center in New York, with an academic appointment at Albert Einstein College of Medicine.

Mohammad Khan, MD

Mohammad “Shahn” Khan, MD

Shahn graduated from Rainbow’s fellowship program in 2022. As a fellow he did research on ambulatory ECG utilization in the Covid pandemic; his work was published in Pediatrics. He is now practicing general pediatric cardiology in Atlanta.

Ernesto Mejia, MD

Ernesto Mejia, MD

Ernesto graduated from Rainbow in 2022. As a fellow he won the Rainbow Science Day Award, the Resident Teaching Award twice, co-authored four peer-reviewed papers, and presented his work at several national conferences. He is currently doing a two-year advanced interventional training program at Children’s Hospital Colorado.