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Education & Training

The Division of Pediatric Cardiology at UH Rainbow Babies & Children's Hospital, in collaboration with Case Western Reserve University, pride ourselves in our role as a major referral center at the cutting edge of research and clinical practice.

We afford our fellows unique educational opportunities and exposure to a wide range of cardiovascular conditions through our clinical, didatic and research training components.

Learn More About Our Education Components

Clinical Training

Didactic Training

Research Training

Medical Conferences

Fellows attend and present at pediatric cardiology meetings at the regional, national and international levels. Fellows are encouraged to attend seminars at Heart House, the educational institution of the American College of Cardiology. Off-site electives are available for fellows with specialized areas of interest.

The Liebman Visiting Professorship

In addition to regularly scheduled conferences covering the breadth and depth of pediatric cardiology, the Division of Pediatric Cardiology sponsors The Liebman Visiting Professorship. Over 20 years old, this program annually sponsors a prominent pediatric cardiologist for two days of lectures, presentations and rounds in an intimate setting that encourages a high level of interaction between the Visiting Professor and fellows. Visiting Professors through this program have included pediatric cardiologists with varied specialized areas of expertise, pediatric pathologists, and pediatric cardiothoracic surgeons.

Grand Rounds

Fellows, residents and medical students rotating with the Division regularly attend Pediatric Grand Rounds, UH’s Harrington Heart & Vascular Institute’s Grand Rounds, as well as relevant conferences presented by other pediatric subspecialties and other departments within the hospital.