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Our Pediatric Sleep Center Offers Tips for Better Sleeping for Teens

The natural sleep/wake cycle, called the circadian rhythm, changes dramatically in adolescents, making quality sleep difficult for adolescents to achieve. In fact, 45 percent of teenagers do not get enough sleep, which affects reaction time, decision-making and memory.

Experts at University Hospitals Rainbow Babies & Children’s Hospital’s Pediatric Sleep Center have exceptional experience in adolescent sleep disorders, paying particular attention to the social, emotional and developmental needs of teens.

Inadequate sleep can affect every aspect of a teen’s life, from decreased performance at school to constant irritability and depression. If a teen is having trouble sleeping, try these tips:

  • Encourage teens to wake up and go to bed at approximately the same time every day of the week to create a consistent sleep rhythm. Avoid weekend sleep-ins. These make it harder to fall asleep on weekend nights, leaving the teenager short on sleep for Monday morning classes.
  • Discourage vigorous physical activity in the two hours before bedtime. Try to make the hour before bedtime a quiet, wind-down period.
  • Teach teens to avoid stimulating television, music, video games or phone conversations before settling down to sleep.
  • Have teens avoid caffeine for at least several hours before bed, including caffeinated sodas, coffee and tea. Even non-cola drinks can contain caffeine, so it is best to check labels.
  • Make the bed a sleep-only zone. Teens should do homework at a desk or table. They should play games, watch television and use the computer outside of the bedroom.
  • Insist that teens turn their cell phones off before bed. If teens send or receive texts throughout the night, they are not getting the quality sleep they need.
  • Avoid letting teens have prolonged or late-day naps. If a nap is needed, limit daytime sleep to 30 to 45 minutes.
  • Monitor teens’ activities and commitments, and help them make choices that allow them enough time to get the proper rest.