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Our Pediatric Sleep Center Offers Tips for Better Sleeping for Children

Pediatric sleep experts at University Hospitals Rainbow Babies & Children’s Hospital recommend several simple tips for better sleeping habits for children:

  • Encourage the child to develop regular bedtime and wake-up schedules, even on weekends. This helps the body acquire a consistent sleep rhythm. It often helps to establish sleep routines before bedtime, such as a consistent time for a bath and some quiet time with a bedtime story, and a time when the lights get turned off.
  • Make sure the child knows that the bed is for sleeping, not playing.
  • The child should sleep in the same room consistently. He or she should not be allowed to sleep in rooms designed for other activities, such as the family room.
  • Do not allow the child to have any stimulants, such as caffeine, within eight hours of bedtime. Caffeine can be found in cocoa, chocolates, cola and even many non-cola drinks. It is always best to check labels.
  • Avoid heavy meals close to bedtime; however, a light snack such as cereal may be helpful.
  • Never punish a child by sending them to bed.

By establishing these sleep routines, parents will be better able to help children establish comfortable and restful sleep patterns.