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Pediatric Sleep Medicine

Behavioral Sleep Medicine Services

The sleep medicine team at University Hospitals Rainbow Babies & Children’s can identify sleep disorders and related behavioral or psychological disorders in children and adolescents and help improve sleep quality through specialized behavioral therapies.

Schedule an Appointment with a Pediatric Sleep Specialist

To make an appointment with a pediatric sleep medicine expert, call 216-844-7700.

Sleep disorders and behaviors we treat include:

Our behavioral sleep medicine team has expertise in:

Our behavioral sleep medicine therapy services are provided by licensed clinical psychologist Carolyn Ievers-Landis, PhD, DBSM. Dr. Ievers-Landis is a pediatric provider certified by the Board of Behavioral Sleep Medicine with a Diplomate in Behavioral Sleep Medicine and specialized training in cognitive behavioral therapy for treating insomnia (CBT-I) and other sleep disorders.

Your child’s health is important. Get expert care.

Offering in-person and virtual visits.

Make an Appointment