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Pediatric Surgical Specialties

Pediatric Surgical Specialties

University Hospitals Rainbow Babies & Children’s Hospital’s surgical specialists are unsurpassed in the region in providing a depth of skill and expertise in 11 pediatric surgical specialties. Outpatient services are provided at a number of community locations.

Together with our multidisciplinary surgical, medical, nursing and child life staff, we deliver a patient experience that only a dedicated children’s hospital can provide to children and their families.

UH Rainbow Babies & Children’s Hospital surgeons are leaders in their fields and provide surgical outcomes that are ranked among the best in the country.

Diagnosed prenatally with bladder exstrophy, Addison's parents searched the country for experienced doctors. Their choice? UH Rainbow Babies & Children's Hospital.

In addition, our relationship to University Hospitals Cleveland Medical Center and Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine offers technology, research and medical advances not available at other children’s hospitals.

Surgical Specialties