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What to Expect When Preparing for a Visit to the PCD Center

To help our team understand a little bit more about the health and medical history or you or your child, we will ask a series of questions when you schedule your first appointment with the Primary Ciliary Dyskinesia Center at University Hospitals Rainbow Babies & Children’s Hospital.

When you call to make your appointment, you may be asked the following:

  • Have you or your child previously visited a doctor? If so, please provide the name of the doctor and date of the last visit.
  • Have you or your child previously been diagnosed with a medical condition? If so, what was the diagnosis?
  • What symptoms or issues have you or your child been experiencing?
  • In your opinion, how urgently do you or your child need to see a doctor?

What to Bring to Your Appointment

In preparation for your first visit to the PCD Center, please gather and bring the following to your appointment, if possible:

  • Patient’s complete medical history and physical records
  • Current health insurance information
  • Records from any previous hospital stays
  • Records from the patient’s most recent clinic visits
  • Information from consultations for any related conditions
  • Most recent blood work, or any other relevant medical test results
  • A hard copy or digital copy of ciliary biopsies that may have been done in the past, if available
  • A hard copy or digital copy of any imaging studies (chest X-ray, CT, ultrasound, echocardiogram) done in the past

Your physician should be able to help you locate most of the above information.

Schedule an Appointment

To schedule an appointment at the PCD Center, please call 216-844-3267.