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Severe Asthma Program for Children with Chronic Asthma

The dedicated asthma experts at UH Rainbow Babies & Children’s Hospital are committed to providing the very best care for children with chronic asthma through our Severe Asthma Program. With personalized treatment, education and resources for parents, and other features, our program offers complete, multidisciplinary care to help improve your child’s quality of life.

Our expert severe asthma team includes:

  • Board-certified pediatric pulmonologists
  • Board-certified pediatric allergists
  • Certified asthma nurse educators
  • Certified pediatric pulmonary function technicians
  • Pediatric respiratory therapists
  • Specialized pediatric asthma nurse practitioners

The Severe Asthma Program treats children and young adults up to age 21 who have experienced repeated or life-threatening asthma attacks, asthma symptoms that persist several days a week despite preventative therapy, and other asthma complications.

Benefits to patients and families include:

  • 24-hour phone access to asthma specialists
  • Personalized and unique treatment plans crafted for each child
  • Expertise using newly developed treatment approaches and biologic medications
  • Access to research studies for promising new asthma treatments
  • State-of-the-art pediatric pulmonary function testing equipment and other diagnostic testing
  • Facilitation of a smooth transition from pediatric to adult asthma care