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Asthma Home Management Plan

MDI with Spacer

MDI with Spacer

Learn how to use a metered-dose inhaler (MDI), such as albuterol, with a spacer and facemask.
MDI with mouthpiece

MDI with mouthpiece

Learn how to use a metered-dose inhaler (MDI), such as albuterol, with a spacer and mouthpiece.
Green Zone: Go Play!

Green Zone: Go Play!

Learn what if feels like to be in the Green Zone and what I need to do stay there.
Yellow Zone: Slow Down!

Yellow Zone: Slow Down!

Learn what if feels like to be in the Yellow Zone and what I need to do to get back in Green Zone.
Red Zone: Stop!

Red Zone: Stop!

Learn what if feels like to be in the Red Zone and the important things I need to do quickly to get back in Green Zone.

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