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Timeline For Treating Children with Cleft Lip and Palate

This timeline gives general guidelines for when a child should be treated for various stages and symptoms related to cleft lip and palate; however, every child is unique and should be assessed by a qualified doctor to determine the proper course of treatment.

Age Treatment
1 - 3 weeks

Plastic surgery evaluation

  • Presurgical orthopedics (pediatric dentistry)
  • Ear tubes (otolaryngology)
3 - 6 months Cleft lip repair 
Ear tubes (otolaryngology)
11 - 12 months Cleft palate repair
18 months Speech evaluation (speech therapy)
2 1/2 - 3 years Craniofacial Clinic
 - once your child begins repeating phrases, he/she will have annual visits with entire team
3 - 4 1/2 years Secondary speech management (if necessary)
5 - 6 years Lip/nose revision (if necessary)
8 years Alveolar bone grafting (if necessary)
14+ years Monitor midfacial growth