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Treating Cleft Palate and Other Craniofacial Conditions

University Hospitals Rainbow Babies & Children’s Hospital’s plastic surgery team is dedicated to the diagnosis and treatment of craniofacial deformities. Because of our continued involvement in advanced clinical research, the Craniofacial Center offers patients access to a multidisciplinary team of experts. This team provides patients with advanced treatments and technologies not readily available at other centers. Our program is accredited by the American Cleft Palate-Craniofacial Association.

Conditions Treated

Our expert team specializes in treating abnormalities of the head and neck, including:

Cleft Lip & Cleft Palate Treatment Timeline

Our team follows a timeline for cleft lip and palate repair that begins shortly after birth and continues throughout childhood.

Why Choose UH?

Latest Technology

Relying on the latest technology, including low-dose CT scanners interfaced with 3-D cameras, our craniofacial team has enhanced diagnostic capabilities. This technology allows us to virtually plan surgical procedures and provide the most appropriate and safest care. Our pediatric plastic surgeons utilize the most advanced procedures and equipment to provide safe, effective surgical repair for the full range of craniofacial conditions.

Multidisciplinary Team

Supported by the latest technology, the unified multidisciplinary team works closely together to provide care for your child. In this way, we ensure that patients receive the most comprehensive care from specialists dedicated solely to the care of children.

For complex craniofacial conditions, the team convenes in multidisciplinary clinics that provide the family access to multiple specialists in one appointment. This includes specialists from the following areas:

The referring physician is also a vital member of the care team. We will continue to update the child's referring physician. This allows the referring doctor to provide seamless care before, during and after treatment at the Craniofacial Center.

Personalized Treatment Plans and Family-Centered Care

Since each patient is unique, treatment must be personalized. Our center orchestrates the team’s efforts to ensure that the treatment plan meets the physical and psychosocial needs of the patient. This family-centered, compassionate model of care is a hallmark of our full-service children's hospital. It is an integral part of a child's successful treatment and healing. Our state-of-the-art Zagara Specialty Clinic houses the advanced imaging equipment and other advanced technology to treat these complex conditions. After the initial visit, specialists review test results, formulate a diagnosis and develop a comprehensive treatment plan. The plan is then shared with the parents, child and referring physician. Children are seen in this multidisciplinary center on an annual basis to maintain or update their treatment plans.

Throughout the process, we provide young patients and their family members with the support and education they need to make informed decisions. When treatment involves a surgery and a hospital stay, family members are permitted to stay in the child’s hospital room. This family-centered, compassionate model of care is a hallmark of our full-service children’s hospital and an integral part of a child’s successful treatment and healing.

Even after treatment is complete, and as the child matures, our staff is always available for follow-up care and evaluation.