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Adoption Health Services

A Range of Services for Families Who Are Adopting

A father and his sonIf you are thinking of expanding your family through adoption, or are in the midst of the adoption process, you need medical and behavioral partners to help you navigate unfamiliar waters, make the best possible choices for your family, and appropriately prepare for bringing your new child home.

Whether you’re interested in international adoption, domestic adoption, or adoption through the U.S. foster care system, we can help. University Hospitals Rainbow Babies & Children’s Hospital’s Adoption Health Service provides comprehensive evaluation and guidance to help you through the pre- and post-adoption periods. Services include:

  • Personalized pre-adoption consultations to prepare families for medical and behavioral issues that commonly occur among children who have lived in institutions or foster homes
  • Reviews of pre-adoption medical information and emotional and developmental histories families receive from adoption agencies
  • Comprehensive post-adoption medical evaluation by a pediatrician specializing in adoption issues, including malnutrition, feeding difficulties, fetal alcohol syndrome, and a variety of infectious diseases
  • Tests of antibody titers to determine gaps in immunizations or immunity, and recommendations for catch-up vaccinations to meet all American Academy of Pediatrics guidelines
  • Developmental and behavioral assessments to identify developmental delays, attachment issues, sleep concerns, and ADHD, with recommendations for intervention provided
  • Assistance with determining school readiness and appropriate level of placement
  • Support for your family during this time of adjustment
  • Ongoing access to a developmental-behavioral pediatrician if learning or behavioral problems persist

Our goal is to optimize health outcomes for internationally and domestically adopted children and ensure more successful transitions for the whole family by providing comprehensive, high-quality care with a child-centered approach.

To schedule an appointment, or for more information on services or program costs, please call 216-844-3230.

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