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Sickle Cell Disease Resources and Support

In addition to having the expertise to diagnose and treat this condition, UH Rainbow Babies & Children’s offers a wide range of support services to help patients and families work through the physical, emotional and social aspects of sickle cell disease.

Doctor talking to patient

Group Clinics

We host group clinics to help our sickle cell families and patients connect with others who share a similar experience. Beginning at the child’s sixth month of age, parents can join one of our group-based baby clinics. As children age, they have the opportunity to participate in our teen sickle cell disease support group clinics. We bring patients together based on their age and year in school, so they can connect with and relate to peers. We offer educational sessions that cover a range of topics, giving parents and teens a chance to voice their questions and concerns about sickle cell disease.

a teacher with a classroom of kids

School Support

We are the only health system in Ohio with a school teacher on staff who advocates for our patients, including all of our sickle cell patients, within the school system. In addition to meeting regularly with Northeast Ohio school districts, our school intervention specialist works directly with families to navigate and secure available resources. We also facilitate tests to ensure our patients receive the individualized education they need for success. In addition, UH Rainbow is a partner of psi - an organization that provides school health and educational services in 160 school districts in Ohio representing over 500 schools – providing medical guidance and support.

Educational Resources

Our educational resources cover a variety of sickle cell disease topics: