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Car Seat Shopping Guidelines

Child in car seat.Parents often assume that all car seats are the same, but they are not. A major factor contributing to the misuse of child restraints is the lack of standardization. More than a dozen manufacturers produce more than 60 different models of safety seats with different attributes and features.

When selecting a car safety seat, keep the following in mind:

  • Do not base your decision solely on the price tag.
  • Be aware that displays or photos may not always show the product being used the correct way.
  • Do not assume all seats will fit properly in all vehicles.

Proper Car Restraint Reminders

  • Always use a car safety seat. Start with your baby’s first ride home from the hospital.
  • Never place a rear-facing car seat in the front seat of a vehicle that has a passenger air bag.
  • The safest place for all children is in the back seat of a vehicle.
  • Caregivers should set a good example by always wearing seat belts.
  • Each car seat is different, so read and keep the manufacturer’s instructions on how to properly install the safety seat.

If you’re not sure what the best restraint method is for your child, start with this handy guide. Still have questions? Call us at 216-844-2277.