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Additional Services

Angie’s Garden

Angie’s Garden is a unique feature at University Hospitals Rainbow Babies & Children’s Hospital. Open year-round, this 7,500-square-foot rooftop healing garden is a magical place where UH Rainbow Babies & Children’s Hospital patients and families can take a break from the clinical environment without leaving the facility.


Angie’s Garden is cared for by a horticulturalist who is a member of the Family & Child Life Services department. A horticulturalist is a professional who works with all aspects of the growing of plants both indoors and outdoors. Our horticulturalist has a background working with communities and people of all ages to help them enjoy the healing power of nature through gardening and ecotherapy.

From bedside nature experiences for patients who cannot leave their rooms to providing activities in the garden, the horticulturalist facilitates therapeutic experiences with nature for patients, families, and staff.

Connecting with nature in a beautiful space has many health benefits, including the fresh air, sunshine, gentle exercise, focus, relaxation, and stress and pain relief.

Click here for additional information about Angie’s Garden.

Volunteer at Rainbow Babies & Children’s Hospital

Volunteers are an integral part of our team in supporting the pediatric patients and their families at Rainbow Babies & Children’s Hospital. From direct patient interaction to behind the scene support, the role of a volunteer greatly impacts patients, families, and staff.

Pet Pals

Pet Pals is a pet therapy program that uses trained volunteers and their adult dogs to make short, in-room visits to adults and children who would enjoy the company of a furry friend.

If you are interested in becoming a volunteer at Rainbow Babies & Children’s Hospital or interested in the Pet Pals program, please visit the Volunteer Services website or call 216-844-1504.