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Congenital Heart Patient Stories

Showing    of 17 results

Trent with Dr. Martin Bocks at the annual Heart Walk in Cleveland

A Heart Warrior Living Life to the Fullest

They never expected to be a heart family, but Trent's parents are so grateful their son is living his life to the fullest, thanks to the Congenital Heart Collaborative at UH Rainbow.

Nicole’s Fore Your Heart apparel line raises awareness of heart disease

Treating an Abnormal Heart Condition

After experiencing dizziness and chest pain, Nicole was fitted with a home heart monitor, which showed that her heart was periodically stopping. UH Rainbow pediatric cardiologist Dr. Chris Snyder determined how to treat her rare condition.

Jason with the University Hospitals Adult Congenital Heart Disease team

A Stroke Saved My Life

There were no prior symptoms when Jason suffered a stroke at 43 years old, but because of the stroke, it was discovered that he suffered from a congenital heart disease called transposition of the great arteries.

Emmett at eight months old, healthy and happy

Fetal Heart Intervention Corrects Heart Abnormality

After a heart abnormality was discovered in baby Emmett’s first ultrasound, fetal heart intervention was used to give him “the healthiest heart and best outlook possible.”

Dr. Martin Bocks and a smiling Mia Wilson

Girl With 10 Percent Chance To Survive Celebrates 10th Birthday

Born five weeks early, Mia Wilson was diagnosed with a rare heart condition that gave her a 10 percent survival rate. During her first year of life, Mia suffered several strokes and cardiac arrests requiring many surgeries and procedures.

Young Vinny stands with a little help from family

Specialized Care for Infants with Heart Defects Keeps Baby at Home

Vinny’s complex congenital heart disease was detected before he was born. Mom and Vinny’s health were followed closely during pregnancy by the Congenital Heart Collaborative’s fetal team at UH Rainbow.

A smiling Abby and her family

Heart Surgery Before and After Birth

After surgery, Abby was a new baby. She had more energy and strength, and her sweet personality really started to shine.

John and Spidey recover from open-heart surgery

Fear of Doctors Turns Into Trust

Sensing young John's anxiety, the doctor stood in the doorway and talked to him from there. At their fourth interaction, he finally allowed her to examine him.

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