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Pediatric Cancer Research

Scientific and Translational Innovation in Pediatric Oncology and Immunotherapy

The Angie Fowler Adolescent and Young Adult Institute has a rigorous research program with a national reputation for scientific and translational innovation in pediatric oncology and immunotherapy. Patients have access to major Phase III clinical trials for newly diagnosed cancers and novel investigational therapies through Phase I and II clinical trials for relapsed and refractory cancers. Pediatric hematologists and oncologists serve as senior investigators on NIH-funded clinical trials and as leading members of national committees on solid tumors, leukemia and bone marrow transplantation.

Vibrant and Fertile Research Environment   

Scientists at Angie’s Institute and the Division of Pediatric Oncology/Hematology have created a highly funded research program that has garnered a national reputation for scientific and translational innovation in pediatric oncology and immunotherapy. The impact of their effort is broad, as these programs have served as a productive engine for investment and inspiration. UH Rainbow continues to receive highly competitive federal, foundation, and industry grant awards and significant philanthropy to advance tumor immunology, immunotherapy and drug discovery efforts. These awards, in turn, create a highly vibrant and fertile training environment for trainees at all levels of their career development.

The Institute continues to create an extensive network of collaborators across multiple disciplines and institutions all over Northeast Ohio, nationally and internationally. In addition, the institute engages the local community with highly visible national nonprofit organizations and, with government relations, advances the cause of improving outcomes and lives of pediatric, adolescent and young adult cancer patients.

Angie’s Institute most recent emerging therapy strategies include:

  • Immunoprevention and cancer vaccines
  • Chemoprevention of immune-related toxicities with partner Triterpenoid Therapeutics
  • Improving adolescent and young adult access to and participation in cancer clinical trials through a $4M initiative with Patient Centered Outcomes Research Institute and partnering with the Moffitt Cancer Center

The Center for Developmental Therapeutics

The Center for Developmental Therapeutics focuses on identifying safer, more effective drugs for children, adolescents and young adults with relapsed and refractory cancers. Center leaders are providing access to critical Phase I and II clinical trial evaluations for patients who need it. In many cases, these clinical trials represent a patient’s best chance for a cure.

International Partnership in Rare Diseases

University of Oxford and University Hospitals established the Oxford-Harrington Rare Disease Centre to bring together the capabilities and expertise of both institutions to deliver new treatments for rare diseases.  Childhood cancer is a rare disease and a prime focus of this unique partnership.