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Syncope and Palpitation Evaluation and Guidelines

UH Rainbow Babies & Children's and Nationwide Children's logo

Syncope and Palpitations

Syncope and palpitations are common complaints in the pediatric and adolescent age groups. Initial workup for patients presenting with palpitations is often aimed at ruling out an arrhythmia. Palpitations may be due to autonomic nervous system dysfunction that is the cause of dizziness and syncope; therefore, the workup for these symptoms (palpitations, dizziness and syncope) is along a continuum. The diagnostic and therapeutic modalities that are most appropriate for the individual patient can be determined after completing a patient history, physical examination, family history and ECG.

Syncope Guidelines and Management

Why Children Faint

Syncope Evaluation Process Checklist - Download PDF

Evaluation and Guidelines - Download the PDF

Contact Us

Physician-to-Physician Consultation Line, 216-UH4-ADOC (216-844-2362)

Physician Access Line, 216-UH4-PEDS (216-844-7337)
(Patient transfers, admissions referrals, emergency department referrals, appointments)