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group of physicians

The Female Reconstruction and Sexual Health fellowship includes a robust group of faculty from multiple specialties including OB/GYN, urology, plastic surgery, psychology and pelvic floor physical therapy. In addition, there are individuals that will supervise fellows in clinic and in the operating room.

  • Associate Professor, CWRU School of Medicine
  • Director, Surgical Gender Affirmation Program, Urology Institute, University Hospitals
  • Division Chief, Reconstructive Urology, UH Cleveland Medical Center
  • Associate Professor, CWRU School of Medicine
  • Alexander and Sarah Cutler Chair in Men's Health, University Hospitals
  • Director, Female Pelvic Surgery, UH Cleveland Medical Center
  • Vice Chairman, Department of Urology, UH Cleveland Medical Center
  • Professor, CWRU School of Medicine
  • Clinical Assistant Professor, CWRU School of Medicine
  • Division Chief, OB/GYN Behavioral Medicine, UH Cleveland Medical Center
  • Co-Director, Sexual Medicine and Vulvovaginal Health Program, UH Cleveland Medical Center
  • Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology, CWRU School of Medicine
  • Professor of Psychiatry, CWRU School of Medicine
  • Assistant Professor, CWRU School of Medicine
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