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Education & Training

physicians in hall talking


Spend time in clinic seeing women and individuals who identify as women for gynecological, sexual, and menopausal health care.  Learn when reconstructive surgery is indicated and learn surgical skills in the operating room with our reconstructive gynecologists, urologists and plastic surgeons. Learn literature and current relevant research on the topics of female sexual health and gynecologic reconstruction

Potential Weekly Schedule

  • Monday: Sex Med/general clinic
  • Tuesday: Gender affirming operating day
  • Wednesday: Cancer survivor clinic alternating with research day
  • Thursday: Sex med/general clinic
  • Friday: Minors OR day

Research Opportunities

There are multiple areas of research that you can participate in or lead if you are interested. This will be individually tailored based on your goals. We expect you to conduct and publish at least one research study during your fellowship, attend and present at ISSWSH, GURS, ISSM, WPATH or the Menopause Society Conferences and contribute to the teaching environment of University Hospitals Cleveland Medical Center.

In addition, fellows can participate in the Global Health Urology curriculum and travel abroad when the opportunity arises.