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Adult Psychiatry Residency Didactics

Our program aims to provide an all-encompassing curriculum that not only meets but exceeds ACGME requirements for training. We aim to leverage our strengths within the department, while also involving experts from outside of our department to enhance learning for our trainees. We aim to facilitate the formation of teams and academic leadership around important content and assure a thorough longitudinal approach to training over 4 years. We aim to collect and provide meaningful feedback to teams with the goal of facilitating their development. 


Didactics take place on Wednesdays from 8am-12pm for all class years, as well as on Fridays from 8am-12pm for PGY3 and PGY4 residents. Didactics are presented by numerous faculty from multiple departments and disciplines; in 2022-2023, over 550 didactic events were presented by 165 unique lecturers. Didactics occur in a hybrid fashion, with both in-person days and virtual-only days.