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Adult Psychiatry Residency Education & Training

Our residents graduate as well-rounded, knowledgeable psychiatrists, able to provide exceptional care. Learn more about the educational and training components of our program, as well as:

Post Graduate Year 1 (PGY-1)

The core psychiatry program at University Hospitals Cleveland Medical Center is designed to provide strong clinical experiences and didactic curriculum necessary for the development of basic knowledge in the subspecialty areas of contemporary psychiatry. PGY1 training includes inpatient psychiatry, emergency psychiatry internal medicine, neurology and emergency medicine.

Highlights of PGY-1 Year

  • One morning a week is protected for didactic time
  • Currently there is no in-house overnight or weekend call for PGY1s

Read about what a typical day for a PGY-1 looks like from a resident’s perspective.

Post Graduate Year 2 (PGY-2)

PGY2 includes rotations in addiction psychiatry, CL psychiatry, geropsychiatry and inpatient child psychiatry. There are also 6 weeks of elective time. PGY2 call takes place at the Cleveland VA and it is done in a night float system.

Highlights of PGY-2 Year

  • Six weeks of elective time
  • A longitudinal Access Clinic, allowing PGY-2s to be introduced to outpatient psychiatry with additional one-on-one attending support
  • One morning a week protected for didactic time

Read about what a typical day for a PGY-2 looks like from our resident’s perspective.

Post Graduate Year 3 (PGY-3)

PGY-3 clinical experiences involve a longitudinal outpatient schedule, which may include:

  • Outpatient Community Mental Health Clinic
  • Outpatient Child Psychiatry Clinic
  • Outpatient Mental Health Clinic at the Cleveland VA
  • Outpatient Psychotherapy Clinic
  • Protected didactic time
  • Elective time

Highlights of PGY-3 Year

  • Elective outpatient clinics, up to one full day a week, allow residents to tailor their experiences to their interests, such as forensics, addiction and child services.
  • Resident Psychotherapy Clinic, with at least three therapy patients, allows residents to develop their therapy skills, practicing psychodynamic and cognitive behavioral therapy cases, including weekly supervision by a psychotherapist.
  • Two mornings a week protected for didactic time.

Read about what a typical day for a PGY-3 looks like from our resident’s perspective.

Post Graduate Year 4 (PGY-4)

PGY-4 year offers great flexibility. Each resident tailors their clinical experiences to their professional interest. Thus, there is no “typical” PGY-4 schedule, but keep reading to see how some of our PGY-4s spent their time.

Read about what a typical day for a PGY-4 looks like from our residents’ perspectives.