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Our mission is to develop you for YOUR oncology pharmacy career. The oncology pharmacy residency program at UH is willing to work with each resident to align their training with their specific interests.

Required Rotations

  • Orientation (4 weeks)
  • Inpatient Malignant Hematology (4 weeks)
  • Inpatient Medical Oncology (4 weeks)
  • Inpatient Blood and Marrow Transplant (4 weeks)
  • Ambulatory Oncology (4 weeks) x 2
    • 1 must be adult solid tumor, 1 must be hematology-oncology/transplant
    • Choose two: blood and marrow transplant, breast, gastrointestinal, genitourinary, gynecologic oncology, malignant hematology, multiple myeloma, neuro/head & neck oncology, thoracic oncology, and community oncology  Investigational Drug Services (2 weeks)
  • Research (4 weeks)
  • Administration (4 weeks)

Elective Rotations (16 weeks total)

  • Palliative Care
  • Inpatient Pediatric Oncology
  • Pharmacy Informatics
  • Residents may also elect to spend additional time in any of the required learning areas noted above
  • Other elective learning experiences may be developed based on resident interest and preceptor availability

Longitudinal Experiences

  • Pharmacy Practice
    • Cancer Center Infusion Pharmacy (1/2 day per week for 6 months)
    • Outpatient Infusion Center Staffing (Every third Saturday and Sunday for 12 months)
  • Ambulatory Oncology Clinic (1/2 day per week for 6 months)
    • Resident selects specialty clinic from list above
  • Medication Safety (12 months)
  • Oncology Weekly Lecture Series (12 months)
    • Residents present ~ every 3 weeks

Additional Required Activities 

  • Completion of research project and associated research project manuscript 
  • Formal presentation at an appropriate conference 
  • Four formal presentations (Case presentations, Pharmacy Grand Rounds, formal lectures, etc.) 
  • Four journal club presentations to the clinical pharmacy team and/or students 
  • Prepare or devise a drug class review, monograph, treatment guidelines, or protocol related to the care of critically ill patients 
  • One medication use evaluation or performance improvement project 
  • Completion of PGY2 Oncology Disease States and Conditions Required List