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How to Apply

The positions for 2024-2025 academic year have been filled. Applications for 2025-2026 fellowship will be accepted in Spring 2025, with interviews to be held starting in late February. Students who are unsuccessful in the NRMP matching process in 2025 will have an opportunity to interview after the closure of the SOAP. Specific dates and deadlines will be announced in January 2025 on this website.

Applicants must be current or former students at US accredited osteopathic or allopathic medical schools. Acceptable applicants are 3rd or 4th year students in a current accredited medical school. 4th year medical students who have completed requirements for graduation but do not currently have plans to enroll at an ACGME-accredited post-graduate program are also invited to apply. Interested parties should provide a CV, personal statement including goals for the one-year position, and one letter of recommendation.

Virtual interviews via zoom will be scheduled as applications are received.

Unfortunately, due to NRMP regulations, we cannot correspond with applicants during the NRMP Match week until after the SOAP process has completed. Interested applicants should send their applications to karen.walsh2@uhhospitals.org and Sanjeetrangarajan@uhhospitals.org.