The Department of Medicine offers one month Acting Internships in Internal Medicine at University Hospitals Case Medical Center. Students will work under the direct supervision of a Senior Resident and an Attending Physician on the inpatient medical wards. The call and admitting schedules will be organized according to the residency ward schedule. An acting intern will work as part of an inpatient medical team with a workload of up to six patients. The faculty and house staff of the Department of Medicine are committed to making this rotation an exceptional educational experience by making the student an integral part of the team and allowing for supervised direct patient care. OBJECTIVE: Acquisition of skills in the evaluation and management of the hospitalized medical patient. DUTIES: Direct patient care under the direction of Resident and Attending Physicians. PREREQUISITE: Completion of Core Clerkship in Internal Medicine.
For many graduating medical students, transitioning to the role of intern physician is one of the most challenging and anxiety-provoking changes that they will face in their careers. The aim of this course is to build the knowledge base and confidence of graduating medical students as they approach the beginning of their residency. Students will learn from current faculty and resident physicians how to approach common scenarios seen in a hospital. Some examples of topics that will be covered include night float issues, rapid response scenarios, pain management, and delivery of bad news. Information will be conveyed through multiple modalities incorporating large-group presentations, small group discussion, and simulation. Students will have the opportunity to get experience with performing common bedside procedures such as ultrasound-guided central line placement, paracentesis and thoracentesis in the VA state-of-the-art simulation center. This course is always highly rated by students, and fills up quickly. Learning Objectives: Students will: -Assess a variety of common acute medical issues through simulation exercises -Quickly and accurately triage patients by acuity -Formulate initial treatment plan, including specific diagnostic tests, imaging, and medications -Respond appropriately to acute changes in patient status with additional treatment steps -Improve speed and accuracy of diagnosis and treatment in response to feedback from case scenarios -Recall common topics through lectures designed to MS-4 level of learning, understand the evidence behind these topics, and apply learned concepts to related simulations -Increase confidence in ability to care for acutely ill patients -Better understand the realities of intern year, and develop strategies to address the non-clinical stressors they will encounter Goals: -Increase students' comfort and knowledge regarding common conditions pertinent to inpatient internal medicine internship via engaging lectures focused on practical management -Simulate acute presentations of illness and changing patient status, while providing individual, formative feedback on student performance -Strengthen students' communication skills with patients, medical staff, and learners in the context of medical residency -Discuss organization strategies, time management techniques, and self-care during residency.
Description: The Department of Medicine offers one month Acting Internships in Internal Medicine at the Louis Stokes Cleveland VA Medical Center. Students will work under the direct supervision of a Senior Resident and an Attending Physician on the inpatient medical wards. The call and admitting schedules will be organized according to the residency ward schedule. An acting intern will work as part of an inpatient medical team with a workload of up to six patients. The faculty and house staff of the Department of Medicine are committed to making this rotation an exceptional educational experience by making the student an integral part of the team and allowing for supervised direct patient care. Objectives: Acquisition of skills in the evaluation and management of the hospitalized medical patient. Duties: Direct patient care under the direction of Resident and Attending Physicians. Prerequisite: Completion of Core Clerkship in Internal Medicine.