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Offering Third-Year Clerkship, Electives and Interest Group

The Department of Family Medicine at Case Western Reserve University/University Hospitals Cleveland Medical Center is one of the nation's top-ranked departments of Family Medicine's Predoctoral Educational Division. We eagerly promote family medicine through innovative curriculums, community outreach programs and faculty interaction.

Resources for Medical Students

Medical students can take advantage of the many resources our family medicine department offers through early clinical experiences with the Community Primary Care Preceptorship program, third-year curriculum and numerous electives.

Teaching Opportunities

Teaching opportunities are enriched by the diversity and special interests of our faculty within our family medicine department. The Family Medicine Interest Group (FMIG) is a student-run organization that complements medical student experiences in our department by educating students about the vast opportunities in family medicine.

Family Medicine Research Division

Additionally, our exceptional department boasts one of the most productive and varied family medicine research divisions nationally. We are also the editorial home of our country's premier academic family medicine journal, the Annals of Family Medicine.

The Predoctoral Division Faculty/Staff

The Predoctoral Division faculty/staff includes:

  • Jason Chao, MD, MS: Family Medicine Clerkship Director
  • Angela Miller-Bennett, MD: Family Medicine Interest Group Advisor
  • Lisa Navracruz, MD: Case Western Reserve University Director, Physical Diagnosis and Patient-based Programs
  • Stephanie Cummings: Predoctoral Education Coordinator