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Welcome from the Chiefs

As a resident at Case Western Reserve University / UH Cleveland Medical Center Family Medicine Residency Program, you will work alongside faculty mentors with a broad range of clinical interests who are dedicated to developing well-rounded family physicians.  You will study with renowned physician leaders from Pediatrics to Obstetrics to Geriatrics, and everything in between.  UHCMC is a Level 1 Trauma Center and a tertiary care academic hospital, giving you the opportunity to triage critical patients in our bustling ED, practice complex inpatient medicine on our resident-led Family Medicine Service, and gain confidence in performing bedside procedures.  Our program has helped graduates earn job opportunities of their dreams as a result of their training here, ranging from fellowships to academic medicine to community medicine to hospitalist and more!

And best of all, our residency program is made up of a close-knit group of diverse, compassionate people who strive to support one another in a collegial environment.  We frequently unwind outside the hospital by sharing in each other’s hobbies and exploring Cleveland together. We are proud of this residency program and all that it has to offer, please reach out to us with any questions!

Best Regards,
Erica and Rajvir

Rajvir Singh, MD
Rajvir Singh, MD
Erica Stevens, MD
Erica Stevens, MD