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Healing Through Music Therapy at UH Samaritan Medical Center

The Music Therapy Program at UH Samaritan Medical Center uses musical intervention to address non-musical goals, where a credentialed professional facilitates a professional relationship with staff, patients and/or their family members.

The Samaritan Music Therapy Program provides services for inpatients, outpatients, staff and community members.

The program is made possible by the Samaritan Hospital Foundation and UH Connor Whole Health and is under the direction of Angel Foss, MS, MT-BC.

Music Therapy Program Services

Inpatient Services

One-on-one music therapy sessions by referral for inpatients who are experiencing pain, anxiety, depression, or who have other needs that can be addressed through the use of music.

Outpatient Services

One-on-one and group music therapy sessions that include active music-making, songwriting, music-assisted relaxation, clinical improvisations and therapeutic drumming for needs such as pain management; before and after procedure anxiety; and emotional expression.

Community Services

One-on-one music therapy sessions for a variety of needs and populations. Groups that focus on promoting health in the community through instrumental workshops, various wellness classes and other musical opportunities based on local needs. Opportunity also will be provided to work in collaboration with community agencies to promote well-being in our community.

Staff Services

Individual and group educational and experiential music therapy sessions for self-care aimed at reducing occupational stress.

Learn More About Music Therapy

Contact Music Therapy

For more information, call 419-289-0491, ext. 3038 or email us.