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Meet the Team

Brandon Blakely

Brandon Blakely

BS, Exercise Science
National Council on Strength and Fitness Certified Personal Trainer
Self-Defense Specialist
Certified First Degree Black Belt Karate and Jujitsu

Specializes in:

  • Weight Loss and lifestyle health coaching
  • Body Building
  • Power lifting
  • Youth sports fitness training
  • Pre and Post rehab exercise programs
Tom Brady

Tom Brady

BS, Exercise Science
FitTour Certified Personal Trainer

Specializes in:

  • Body Building
  • Power lifting
  • Muscular Strength & Endurance training
  • Sports-specific Training
  • High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT)

Additional experience with:

  • Cardiac & Pulmonary Rehab
  • Post – Physical Therapy
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Curtis Casto

NASM Certified Personal Trainer

Specializes in:

  • Beginner to experienced strength training
  • Weight loss and body composition enhancement
  • Free weight muscle building – hypertrophy
  • Conditioning
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Rae Lynn Esser-Moore

ISSA Certified Personal Trainer
ISSA Specialist in Senior Fitness

Specializes in:

  • Body Mechanics
  • Strength training (light and heavy)
  • Interval Training

Additional experience with:

  • Aquatic Fitness
  • TRX
  • Lifestyle Coaching
Russell (Russ) Flynn

Russell (Russ) Flynn

BS, Exercise Science
NASM Certified Personal Trainer
CrossFit Level 2
USA Weightlifting Level 1
IKSFA Kettlebell Sport Level 1

Specializes in:

  • Strength training
  • Powerlifting
  • Interval Training

Additional experience with:

  • Endurance Programming
  • Pre and Post Rehabilitation
Lindsey Haddix

Lindsey Haddix

BS Health Promotion
MS Exercise Physiology
ACE Certified Personal Trainer
AFAA Certified Group Exercise Instructor

Specializes in:

  • Strength training for muscular strength and endurance
  • Core strength and flexibility, utilizing principles in Yoga and Pilates
  • Pre and Post natal exercise
Kelly Kacenjar

Kelly Kacenjar

NETA Certified Personal Trainer
TRX Qualified Coach

Specializes in:

  • Parkinson’s exercise
  • Senior fitness
  • Strength/endurance training
  • High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT)
  • Core and flexibility
Linda Lavelle

Linda Lavelle

ISSA Certified Fitness Trainer
Certified Arthritis Instructor
AFAA Group Instructor Swimming Instructor
Certified TRX Instructor

Specializes in:

  • Low-impact water exercise for arthritis, fibromyalgia, rehab and weight loss
  • High-intensity, low-impact aqua boot camp
  • Land and water training for arthritis
  • Weight loss through results-driven cardio workouts
  • Total body conditioning
  • Strength training and balance
  • Post physical therapy exercise programs
Kelsie McNally

Kelsie McNally

BS, Exercise Science
FitTour Certified Personal Trainer
Pursuing ACSM Exercise Physiologist

Specializes in:

  • Functional strength training
  • Healthy weight loss and lifestyle modifications
  • Aerobic endurance (walking, running)
  • Interval Training
  • Experience with cardiac rehab and cancer exercise
  • Beginner fitness and chronic disease health coaching
Sean Moran

Sean Moran

BS, Exercise Science
ACE Certified Personal Trainer
5+ Years Swim Instructor

Specializes in:

  • Strength Training for Muscle Building and Endurance
  • Specific Training Protocols (supersets, tempo, progressive overload, pyramid training)
  • Beginner and Intermediate Fitness
  • Exercise Modification
  • Aquatic Exercise, Swim Instruction, and Proper Stroke Instruction

Additional experience with:

  • Cancer Exercise
  • Parkinson’s Exercise
  • Swim Instruction
Chloe Neely

Chloe Neely

M.S. Clinical Exercise Physiology
ACSM Certified Exercise Physiologist
NSCA Certified Personal Trainer

Specializes in:

  • Strength training for all ages
  • Post-Rehabilitation
  • Aquatic Conditioning
  • Sports Performance
  • Beginner fitness and chronic disease health coaching
Tyler Neely

Tyler Neely

ACSM Certified Exercise Physiologist

Specializes in:

  • Longevity-based fitness training
  • Muscular fitness and range of motion
  • Golf specific conditioning
  • Aerobic endurance for fitness or sport
  • Pediatric fitness training
  • Chronic disease specific training
  • Healthy weight loss and lifestyle modification
Ashlee Sanchez

Ashlee Sanchez

ISSA Certified Personal Trainer
ISSA Nutritionist Certification
Martial Arts Specialist
UHMA Second Degree Black Belt

Specializes in:

  • Strength and Conditioning
  • Exercise Therapy
  • Confidence-building weight loss
  • Nutrition and healthy lifestyle balance
  • Exercise therapy for arthritis, fibromyalgia, MS and special populations
  • Youth and Teen Programming

Additional experience with:

  • Aquatic Fitness
  • TRX
  • Lifestyle Coaching
Lana Sevel

Lana Sevel

ACE Certified Personal Trainer
E-RYT 200 Registered Yoga Teacher

Specializes in:

  • Senior fitness
  • Beginner fitness
  • Strength, flexibility and balance
  • High intensity interval training (HIIT)
Gina Shaffer

Gina Shaffer

BS, Physical Education
AFAA Certified Personal Trainer
AEA Aquatic Fitness Professional
Certified TRX Instructor
Myofascial Release Specialist

Specializes in:

  • Post-physical therapy exercise programs
  • Myofascial release – proper body alignment
  • Results-oriented weight loss through proper body mechanics and core stability
  • TRX for core and balance