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UH Clinical Update November 2022

Showing   of 7 results

2022 Distinguished Physician Award ceremony

How and Why We Reward Physician Excellence at University Hospitals

UH Clinical Update | November 2022

Getty image Kidney illustration

UH Population Health Mining Commonly Available Patient Data to Improve Care of Chronic Kidney Disease

UH Clinical Update | November 2022

Medical Data illustration

UH Lends Expertise to Improve Diagnosis Nationwide

UH Clinical Update | November 2022

Tiffany Frazee, MD Pediatric Anesthesia

Optimizing Pediatric Surgical Care Amid the Workforce Shortage

UH Clinical Update | November 2022

Liver cancer illustration

Medicaid Expansion Linked to Earlier Detection of Liver Cancer, Fewer Deaths, UH Study Finds

UH Clinical Update | November 2022

Skeletal structures shaking hands

University Hospitals Continues to Expand Roster of Orthopaedic Specialists

UH Clinical Update | November 2022

Trygve Dolber, MD - UH Internal Medicine

Understanding and Changing Avoidance Behaviors Key to Care for Complex Patients, UH Pilot Project Shows

UH Clinical Update | November 2022

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