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UH Clinical Update June 2022

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Groundbreaking Effort Toward Medical Discovery Under Way at University Hospitals

Research enterprise is hitting on all cylinders, placing UH among the top hospitals in the nation for funded projects - UH Clinical Update | June 2022

Clot busting tPA illustraion

University Hospitals Implements Plan to Shift to Tenecteplase Over Alteplase for Acute Ischemic Stroke

UH among the first health systems in the U.S. to use the faster-acting, genetically engineered version of the clot-busting tPA drug - UH Clinical Update | June 2022

UH Team First to Report Using Cardiac MRI for LAAC Pre-procedure Planning

Approach is a solution for the current contrast media shortage, as well as other scenarios - Innovations in Cardiovascular Medicine & Surgery | Summer 2022

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