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UH Clinical Update | July 2020

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Expanding Our Commitment to Confronting Racism

As health care providers, we are in the business of saving lives. We save them individually, and collectively. - UH Clinical Update | July 2020

Crain’s Recognizes Dr. Grace McComsey for Bringing Life-saving Therapies to COVID-19 Patients

But her impact reaches far beyond COVID-19 - UH Clinical Update | July 2020

Affirming Gender Identity

UH launches comprehensive program for LGBTQIA+ patients. - UH Clinical Update | July 2020


UH patients who struggle with substance abuse do not have to struggle alone - UH Clinical Update | June 2020

Could Telehealth be the Answer to Stigma Removal for Behavioral Health?

While Telehealth is a great tool for filling in treatment gaps, it won’t be the only solution - UH Clinical Update | June 2020

University Hospitals Harrington Heart & Vascular Institute Launches Echo Alert Program

Effort part of goal to help reduce heart failure admissions - UH Clinical Update | June 2020

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