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UH Clinical Update July 2021

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Frank Kelley, MD

Improving the Hospital Experience in Portage County

Chief Hospitalist Frank Kelley, MD, winner of a recent “Dinner with the Doc” award, is helping to improve quality and patient experience at UH Portage Medical Center - UH Clinical Update | July 2021

Sarah Pastoriza, DO

Getting Crucial PM & R Services to Patients Who Need Them

Sarah Pastoriza, DO, recent winner of a “Dinner with the Doc” award, has been instrumental in more than quadrupling monthly PM & R consults at University Hospitals UH Clinical Update | July 2021 Sarah Pastoriza’ s athletic skills were such that...

Al Lerner, MD and Richard Wong, MD

‘An Epic Battle’

On a Saturday in summer, the on-call UH gastroenterologist Richard Wong, MD, performs a life-saving bedside procedure for UH neurologist Alan Lerner, MD - UH Clinical Update | July 2021

HIV Concept word art

UH Special Immunology Unit Treating the Whole Person

Advancing the discovery of HIV 40 years ago and the science of tomorrow’s care - UH Clinical Update | July 2021

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