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UH Clinical Update February 2024

Showing   of 8 results

Doctor holding heart issue

Giving Voice to Independents

Office of Independent Providers links independent physicians with UH resources - UH Clinical Update | February 2024

3D custom implants for bone cancer illustration

Bone Cancer Patients and Others Receiving 3D-Printed Implants at UH

UH Clinical Update | February 2024 Innovations in Orthopaedics | Winter 2024

Obstructive sleep apnea illustration

Research and Patient Advocacy at Heart of UH Sleep Medicine Care

UH Clinical Update | February 2024

Long covid illustration

First Long COVID Clinical Trials Now Open at UH

UH Clinical Update | February 2024

Karas Linden

UH Bariatric Surgeon Builds Lasting Bonds with Patients

UH Clinical Update | February 2024

Janel Paukovits

Emergency Medicine Specialist Hits the Ground Running

UH Clinical Update | February 2024

Joseph Khouri, MD

UH Plastic Surgeon Turns Childhood Trauma into a Calling

UH Clinical Update | February 2024

Gregory Rushing, MD, Cardiology

UH Cardiac Surgeon Leads Team Generating Great Outcomes at UH Parma

UH Clinical Update | February 2024

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