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UH Clinical Update February 2022

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Pandemic Invigorates Long-standing Tradition of Community Generosity to University Hospitals in Cleveland

2021 was a record year in financial support for our mission - UH Clinical Update | February 2022

Cardia Rehabilitation image

Could Your Patient Benefit from Cardiac Rehab?

UH Harrington Heart & Vascular Institute expert working in many channels to get the word out about this vital service for patients with cardiovascular disease - UH Clinical Update | February 2022

Blood flow therapy

Blood Flow Restriction Therapy Expands at UH

Medical-grade tourniquet to restrict blood to the limbs during exercise produces strength gains of high-intensity training without the need of heavy loads - UH Clinical Update | February 2022

Elie Saade, MD Infectious Disease

Preventing Hospital-Acquired Infections

Elie Saade, MD, recent “Dinner with the Doc” honoree, leads infection control interventions with significant impact - UH Clinical Update | Winter 2022

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