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UH Clinical Update August 2024

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Andrew Myers, MD headshot UH Radiology

UH Radiologist Parlays Variety of Discipline into Positive Impact for Patients

UH Clinical Update | August 2024

Getty image of medication bottle with penicillin warning label

UH Rainbow Quality Improvement Project Restores Patients’ Access to Penicillin

UH Clinical Update | August 2024

UH Dermatologist Goes to Great Lengths to Put Patients First

UH Clinical Update | August 2024

UH Head and Neck Surgeon Wins National Award for Mentorship

UH Clinical Update | August 2024

Sapna Thomas, MD

UH Gastroenterologist Prioritizes Listening to Patients, Especially Amid Uncomfortable Procedures

UH Clinical Update | Au8gust 2024

Getty images depicting mental illness

Ambitious Statewide Mental Health Study Recruiting at UH

UH Clinical Update | August 2024

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